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Motherhood : Style Editions

Motherhood completely turns your life around - 360 degrees.

One of the many things that has changed for me on entering Motherhood, is my style. Comfortability, child friendly and body changes have all played a factor.
I feel I used to be more adventurous with my fashions, whereas now, rely heavily on my mummy comfy clothes.
You know the clothes I mean, that t-shirt, those jeans or leggings, the cardigan or when wanting to 'make effort' the good ol' leather jacket ;)

I think as my son is getting older, he is very independent and I now; from experience know how to pick an outfit (the night before) and how much make up I will be able to get done, between Henry Hugglemonster & CBeebies morning programmes.
Time management - Mummy skills 101!

Currently, I feel like I am trying to get my footing again with my style. I think my brain now has more space to consider additional things and I am going to put a little focus on my style and clothes.
So with that in mind, I am currently trying to find my happy medium in regards to my clothes. Somewhere between comfy and glamour.

I am trying a different approach this time too. With the beginning stages:
- Building my wish lists
- Purchasing essential and staple pieces
.... and going from there

I will be doing a 4 part mini series including:
My Mummy Uniform
Accessories & Beyond
Bags, Bags, Bags
New Additions - Mummy & Baby special

As always, new posts go up on my blog every Sunday, Monday and Thursday at 8.30am.
So do keep posted.

Hope you all enjoy a glimpse into my changing wardrobe.

You can also find me on Twitter-land

What are some of the things that help to change your style? 

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