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 photo Mellies Corner Author for blogger_zpsegh5lehe.jpg


Sneaky Peeky Snippets : 07.07.2014 - 20.07.2014

Hello guys. 
Hope you are all well.

We are back for another sneak peek into our family fortnight. 

These past two weeks have been full of play, laughter and family time. 
We have loved spending time with our families, it is so needed and we love them very much. We are so blessed to have such great people around us.
It's also super cute to see Cai playing with his cousins, I kind of forgot that that happens, and I am so excited to see their relationships and bonds grow.

We are also on the countdown for Mal to be on holidays woop woop! 

Our past two weeks have contained the following:

- Shopping with mummy & daddy

- Cairo <3 Currygoat 
Wicked bib given to us by our Aunt Jacks - Thank you x

- We tried cherries and we were successful, Cai really enjoyed them

- Fun in the garden looking super cute!

- Peek-a-boo
Is it just me that whenever you play Peek-a-boo you say it in the most high pitched weird voice. It gets results so hey ho. 

- Stepping on mummy's Ipad and leaving evidence 

- Our new Henry Hugglemonster backpack. It has been great in carrying Cai's food and drinks when we are out. Thank you Mi Lindz for the idea x

Modelling the backpack which stayed on for 30 seconds

- Daddy & son time. 
I lurvvvve them and they had a great time at the park, with Cai getting very involved with dogs. 

Yes he can get away with jogging bottoms and sandals he is little :)

- Baby's first scab :( he didn't cry at all

- We had a lovely afternoon with Mal's mom, sister, nephew and twin nieces. 
I had so many cuddles, felt super broody ..... babies are so precious (don't worry Mal I don't want another for now lol).

- Bubble fun with Cai & his cousin

- Cuddles, cuddles, cuddles look how small uggggh so cute

- Lift fun, check his little outfit 

- We went to LEGOLAND & had a great day, read all about it here.

Hope you have had a great fortnight.

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