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We Went To .... Legoland

We came
We saw
The sun conquered

My lovely auntie was able to get us tickets for Legoland on July 15th, as her colleague was unable to go, due to it being a school day.
Now I realise Cai is only 1 but I thought it would make for a lovely day out for us, and I was not wrong :)

As we live in London and needed to travel on the dreaded North Circular, we left at 9 and got to Windsor in great time. I also found it quite simple to find, well, with the help of road signs, sat nav, and my auntie with my lane positioning for all the roundabouts. Bloody hell roundabouts for days!

We found great parking so near to the entrance, it is worth having a little drive around if at first you don't find a great spot.
The great thing also is that parking is only £4, and you can purchase a parking voucher any time during your Legoland stay.

So I wanted to share a few pictures of the day with you guys. Here goes....

Bubba and our Auntie Suse

We were greeted with pretty skies and a lovely view

On the Legoland mini trainy thingamibob which was a bit of an anti climax but saved our legs

"But first . . . let us take a selfie"

Awww <3

As Cai is still little there were not many rides he could go on, however he did have a good run and play around two different play areas where he also killed a caterpillar.
[I'm sorry to the pro insect people out there, he is little and didn't know stepping on the small furry thing would kill it]

Amazing blue coloured spongey floor, great for little ones

Mr Caterpillar :(

Our lovely Auntie Suse

Cai's Legoland stamp - such a parent thing to take a picture of

They have a great water play area - Duplo Valley. Cai found the water play area overwhelming, even though he was dressed as Spider-Man. I think he was hot and bothered, too many people, too many little people and too many animals, shooting water from everywhere. He didn't even want to dip his toe. My auntie and I dipped and splashed our feet on Cai's behalf. The sweet relief that water provided our legs with, was just joyful.

On our way back to the beginning of Legoland, we did spot many Lego animals. Cai was however more interested in his Calippo ice lolly :), but the animals we did see were great. You almost forget they are made out of Lego, so seeing them up close really makes you appreciate the craftsmanship. 

Ostrich and Lions

Cai did seem to like the Giraffes

Some one is into their Calippo.

After a good few hours Cai was zonked, and we were defeated by the sun.
We took the Hill Train back to the beginning of Legoland, which again, saved our legs as that hill, in that heat, I would really rather not. Cai fell asleep soon after, so we headed home.
However not before buying him a little keepsake pressie from Auntie Ange - Thank you!

One tired bubba

We have the sweetest family ever!

We had a lovely day with Auntie Suse and my son was one happy bunny! He stayed so patient as we did get caught in traffic going home in Notting Hill (sat navs fault so avoid). We had such a great day! Cai was so well behaved, so smiley and happy. Was a joy to see.
I cannot wait to take him again when he's older. 
The sun however was just on a mission. It was so hotttt, and we all know I am not a lover of those kind of temperatures lol.

Thank you Auntie and Legoland for a lovely day.

P.s I will be doing a What Did We Carry To Legoland post as, I cannot lie, I did not pack light. Do keep your eyes peeled.

Legoland Tips

  • Play area in Pirate Bay is great, has a spongey floor too (pictured above) which we loved.
  • We ate in the hotel section at Skyline Bar. Their baby changing facilities are amazing. So clean, spacious, with a mobile above baby, towels available, disinfectant spray, the works!
  • Bring lots and lots of water, and a few frozen water bottles too, especially when visiting in summer. We bought 6 bottles and could have probably done with more. 
  • Do google, research and listen to what they say. Legoland provide top tips which can be read here
  • Be prepared to wait for rides 20 - 45+ mins if not more for the more popular rides. 
  • Plenty of green area and outside seating, which can be suitable for picnics if you do not wish to purchase food at the resort.

How did you find Legoland if you have been? 
If not, is Legoland somewhere you would visit?

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