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Legoland Preparation

As mentioned in my Legoland post, I thought I would do a quick post on the things I carried to Legoland.

I am definitely an over packer, especially now that I have a bubba. 
I would rather have too much, than not enough, especially if you are nowhere near home. 

I used to think that the older Cairo got the less things I would need to carry, however I don't think we are quite at that stage.

I do apologise beforehand about the picture quality, as these were taken impromptu the night before we went; but I wanted to show what I packed. 


- Spiderman swimming costume
- Swimming nappies size 5 - 6 (which were a little on the large side)
- Cai's adidas sandals


- Pink Lining Yummy Mummy changing mat & wet pouch 
 - Baby wipes
- Milton antibacterial wipes
- Small pack tissues
- Cai's face cream
- Small sudocream
- Kiddies sun spray
- Nappy bags
- Nappies, ummm, I think I packed about 20 nappies (hangs head in shame) but better to be safe than sorry

Mummy Things:

- Hand cream
- Small hair brush
- Antibacterial hand gel
- Half a nail file - Cairo's snapped this into two but this is a great mini version to carry around
- Perfume - Amor Amor
- Chewing gum
- Small red case which housed above items

- Purse
- Make up bag

Change clothes and go...

- 2 x short sleeved vests
- 1 x thin jumper
- 1 x combats
1 x shorts

Foodie bits:

- Special Rice - Cai's lunch
- Weetabix - Cai's breakfast which he had there
- Crackers & 2 organix biscuits
- A fruit mix + extras
- Our Henry Hugglemonster backpack which is perfect for carrying all Cai's food & drinks


- Apron bib which is amazingggggg
- Flask with hot water for Weetabix & 1 bottle
- Bottles of water (all not pictured)
 - Bottle x 2 
One for weetabix
One for a bottle on the way home
- Avent powder holder

I didn't manage to take a picture of our bags and the pram once we were there, but I'm sure you can imagine what the pram handles looked like.

I ended up using 9 out of 10 things that I carried, so I packed well for the occasion.
I did drive to Legoland so space was not really an issue. If I had used public transport, I would have had to pack differently, but would have still carried majority of the items above.

Hopefully this can prove helpful or provide some ideas for someone who is going on a trip with their little one.

If you haven't already, do check out our Legoland experience post here.

Do you tend to over pack when going on an outing?

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