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 photo Mellies Corner Author for blogger_zpsegh5lehe.jpg


Sneaky Peeky Snippets : 23rd June - 6th July 2014

Hello guys. 
Hope you are all well.

These past two weeks have been really nice. The weather kept on shining and we actually enjoyed it. 
Cai's hay-fever like symptoms have also really calmed down.  
Bubba's teething hasn't been so bothersome also these past two weeks and I did re-buy, his favourite teething ring, which you can also put into the freezer. 
+1 Mummy points lol. 

Unbelievably, my blog post is featured on an actual website! Read on to find out where. I nearly died when I found out. 

I wonder if any one actually reads my blog. 
If you do, I hope you enjoy reading it, as much as I love writing it. 

Our past two weeks have contained the following:

- The new teether ring. 

- Date Nighttttt - Thank you Masala Zone & Mum.

Date night prep.

He is soooooo lush omg - sorry but yeah :)


Mal's main beginning

Mal's main aftermath

My main was yum!

- Cai having an ice lolly. Well it was Grandma's but you know how that goes. 

- Cai is using the big boy bath now. His baby bath was massive and I was a little worried about him not using it but it has been a very smooth transition.

DIY plug hole hole :) 

- Sleepy baby while eating  

- Our bus journeys. 
I tend to drive where I can especially when with Cai, so this was a nice change for us, with lots of sight seeing.

- Meeting with my work lovelies in Glassworks for a mummy & baby lunch. Cai was so well behaved and I even managed to eat and have a glass or two of white wine. Yum!

Bringing along some light reading for the journey ahead.

- Cai and I attended our first Mothers Meeting. 'Twas amaze-balls. 
Read all about our experience here in my previous post.
My post was also featured on the Mothers Meeting website. I can't believe it! Thank you Jenny x

- Daddy and baby wrestling. Any guesses where he gets his boisterousness from? 

- My bestie Zoe graduated. How prouddddd are we!! Well done my poumla :) TGI's soon.

Poumy and Mummy R.

- Cat sitting for Poumy - Nouna. Although Trixy didn't leave the top of the shed as Cai was running around the garden like a tazmanian devil. 

Calling Trixy

Hope you all had a lovely fortnight.

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