My little corner of the web. How I miss thee. I do apologise for the lack of posts. But, who was prepared for the juggling of exams, with blogging and all else that comes with life? NOT ME! Exams are a bitch and my name is now Mummy Revision. As things slow down and I begin to regain
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Monday Mani : Barry M Speedy - Turbo Charged
Monday Mani : Barry M Speedy - Turbo Charged
I was so not on the hunt for yet another nail polish last week, but as you do when you pop into Superdrug, this little gorgeousness called my name. This is one of the newer shades of the Barry M Speedy nail paints. Before I knew it we were well on our way home with points added to
Hey guys, My blog Mellies Corner is now 1 :). It has been a year since I have started blogging on Mellies Corner and I'm so happy to still be here enjoying the process a year later. I want to say the biggest thank you to everyone wherever you are who reads / has read my blog, left
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Monday Mani : Grass
Monday Mani : Grass
Hello all, Can you believe we are 6 months into the year already! What is happening to time? This is a special week over here as it has been a year since I have started blogging on Mellies Corner. I thought I would try to do some 'special' nails in celebration of this benchmark and this is the
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Monthly Wishes : May
Alexander McQueen #SavageBeauty
Alexander McQueen #SavageBeauty
You know an exhibition was truly something when it sticks with you days after. I went to see the perfectly titled Alexander McQueen Savage Beauty exhibition at the V&A Museum and it was nothing short of amazing. So intense, Sadistic, Heavy, Romantic, Provocative, Hauntingly beautiful, Torturous, With a real sense of sadness through many of the pieces, Just stunningly
Monday Mani : The Sugared Apple
Monday Mani : The Sugared Apple
Hello guys. Another Monday Mani for ya. So I feel I've been a bit late to the mint nail party, but they say better late than never don't they. At first I was not too keen as green nail polish and I were never really friends. However, I have had some triumphs with green shades recently so thought
The Disney Tag
The Disney Tag
Lemme Upgrade Ya
Lemme Upgrade Ya
Mellies Corner is nearly a year old. Time really does fly when you are having fun. I have really enjoyed blogging and being able to express myself creatively on this little corner of the net. As you do....a little bit of reflecting here and there, I had a look at my blog and was wanting more. When I
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Monday Mani : Passionate Pink
Monday Mani : Passionate Pink
Hey everyone, hope you are all well :). I am back with another weeks Monday mani. This week we have a shade and a formula I am so happy with. For this weeks look I have used Revlon Colorstay in Passionate Pink. This nail polish is just yum! So pink, so creamy, so easy to apply! The best
Time Goes By, So Slowly - That's A LIE!
Time Goes By, So Slowly - That's A LIE!
Monday Mani : Barry M Almond Berries
Monday Mani : Barry M Almond Berries
Finally I have a Monday Mani up. It may have only been a week .... but it feels like an eternity lol. My nails have grown and are doing pretty well if I may so my self, so I thought I would put a little effort into my mani this week. For this look I have used Barry
Monthly Wishes : April
Monthly Wishes : April
Hey hey ya'll. Can you believe we are at the end of another month ALREADY. Time literally waits for no man which has been the theme on both my Twitter and Instagram this month. April has been a lovely busy month bringing with it sunshine, brighter days and family quality time. I have just been so into clothes
Monday Mani : Oldie but Goodie
Monday Mani : Oldie but Goodie
Hey guys, after a few days absence I am back with my mani of the week. Hope you are all well :) I have also added some new polishes to my ever growing collection so will have loads of fresh Monday Mani's up....eventually with some nail art but you know, little steps and all that. For this look
Monday Mani : Maybelline Burgundy Kisses
Monday Mani : Maybelline Burgundy Kisses
I am so glad to have this little gem in my ever growing nail collection. For this look I have used Maybelline Colour Show nail polish in Burgundy Kiss. Now I must also add that these pictures were taken after 3 days and just look at them *love heart eyes emoji*. Apart from a little general wear and
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Cai's S/S Wish List : H&M Edit
Hey guys, I had a different post scheduled for today, then I went onto H&M online and oh my days. I absolutely love H&M kids clothes. They are generous with sizing and length, as my boy is tall & slender and they wash super well. Also the price - they are so affordable and usually come with such
Monday Mani : Nails Inc Preen by Thornton Bregazzi
Monday Mani : Nails Inc Preen by Thornton Bregazzi
AMAZING ANIMALS : The Book I Want to Frame
AMAZING ANIMALS : The Book I Want to Frame
I always go on about how wonderful social media can be, and this is definitely one of the great things to come from the visual world of Instagram. While I was pregnant which feels like many moons ago :( I used to look at other mummies who were #20weeks or so pregnant like me. I saw this fellow
Monday Mani : Barry M Foil Effects Fail
Monday Mani : Barry M Foil Effects Fail
Hey guys, happy bank holiday Monday woop woop. This weeks nails I am not loving and cannot wait to whip them off me nails. For this look I have used Barry M Nail Effects Foils in 320 aka the gold one. I got on much better with the Barry M's Nail Effects Foil in Silver, which you can
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