How are we all?
I wanted to catch up with you guys as I feel I have missed an eternity in the blogosphere. I had so many posts to catch up on Bloglovin' my goodness. Actually can we just talk about the Bloglovin' app .... Is it just mine that is super slow and freezes all the time?
There have been a few little changes going on round our way, but they literally feel so large and time crushing sometimes.
I have been pondering on the element of time recently, as I am getting on in life :) and really have been putting things into perspective and trying to keep positively focused. I think as I have settled into motherhood my outlook on so much has changed.

There are days when the To-Do list is forever going though :
Washing / Laundry / Home cleaning / Cleaning and seasoning of meat / Food to cook / Shopping to buy / Cat litter to sort out / Nappies to change/Potties to be sat on / Accidents to clean / Books to read / The little love to run after / Nursery runs / Blog posts to plan / Pictures to take / Homework to do / College to attend / Life to live / Sex to have / Wine to drink [you get the gist].
We are all busy, especially when you have a littlun to look after and it was getting on top of me recently. I went for a drive and had a little chat to myself, that's one of the things that helps me the most when feeling like the above picture. I am trying to embrace the busyness as best I can but we definitely need some organisation in this dancery.
I am learning to instead of focusing on the stresses, focus on the blessings in my life. Sometimes I feel like when you become a mum, you (well I did) automatically think you will be able to do it all. Then reality hits and you learn that it is definitely more of a struggle than envisaged. This motherhood game is filled with so much unknown ground and possibilities for feeling like you are not doing enough that I've realised, it is natural to wish you could spread yourself a little more isn't it? So I am trying to not be so hard on myself and look at all the evidence in front of me, that shows I am doing a decent job of raising a little human, being a girlfriend, a daughter and a woman on this planet.
Cai is currently at nursery part time which is going so well! I will do a separate post on this soon as this was a big step for us. Especially me!
I am super wanting to begin meditating to help organise and calm the mind. Do you have any advice on meditation for beginners or relaxation, I would love to know.
What things do you ladies & mummies out there do to help stay on top of everything?
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