My blog Mellies Corner is now 1 :).
It has been a year since I have started blogging on Mellies Corner and I'm so happy to still be here enjoying the process a year later.
I want to say the biggest thank you to everyone wherever you are who reads / has read my blog, left comments, +1'd me on Google+ and retweeted my tweets :) I really appreciate it all! To think that people in countries outside of the UK have read my random essay like blog posts is awesome.
I started Mellies Corner as I wanted to stop waylaying my friends and boyfriend with my trivial thoughts. I needed some form of a creative outlet and something to help give my brain a bit of functional escapism and that is exactly what it has done and then some.
Within a year I have hosted my first collaboration post, had my blog post featured on a website (crazy!) and have been able to attend some lovely events.
I love the process of blogging, the pictures, the writing, the editing .... but I still struggle a little with the sharing on social media. I'm getting a little better, so if you are also on any social media platforms you can find me here :
Twitter : @mellie_m3l
Favourite posts?
Loosing my Mothers Meeting Virginity & Let's Talk About Sex BabyThe lovely Jenny founder of Mothers Meeting featured a few of my blog posts on the Mothers Meeting website and I did just about die each time. Mothers Meeting is definitely one of my favourite things to come out of blogging. You guys know how much I rave about them so do check them out too.
Trying to also talk about sex in a non sleazy way knowing your mum is about to read it, proved a task for mucho editing!!!! I'm still happy with how the post came out as I feel it was a real reflection of what us mummies discussed that day.
South Bank Love
My little love absolutely kills me with his cuteness and we had such a lovely day at South Bank. This day will remain in the memory bank forever.
18 Month Update
This post was nearly a year ago! :( My little love is growing so so much, but this is one of the aspects of blogging that I love - looking back and seeing the memories recorded. I have had Cai's 2 year old update in my draft posts for 6 months! Ridiculous I know - I may do a 2 1/2 year update soon as I'd love to see what has changed since his last one.
Disney Villains
The first post my boyfriend and I have done together so will always hold a special place. We really went to town with our Disney Villains.
Bria Organics
Our wonder cream, I couldn't wait to share the love we have for this product here on Mellies Corner. I hope this has been able to help anyone looking into their products in hoping to relieve some of their
eczema symptoms.
My first ever post on Mellies Corner was the Mum Tag which I have linked here. I was well excited trying to take decent pictures and organise myself for my first blog post.
What have I learnt?
- There is space for everyone!- Blog posts take much longer than you would think especially if you are a chat-a-holic like me.
- You will find your blogging voice and will have fun exposing more of your personality.
- Not every beauty or skincare review is for you. I want everything! Especially when there is a bargain at hand. Every little product review I think ooooooh. Then you buy it and develop a rash.
- You can have fun with blogging.
- It's ok to talk or indulge in more mummy posts than bubba posts.
- Spell check is your best friend as is iPhoto.
- Schedule schedule schedule - use this feature to it's advantage.
- Do not compare yourself to anyone! Your journey is your journey, enjoy and embrace it as much as you can.
- I literally love to talk!
- Taking pictures of yourself to use on your blog or as profile pictures is a no bueno. How do you guys do it?
It has been a pleasure blogging here, so again, thank you so much for all the support and reading my randomness :).
I will also be hosting my FIRST EVER GIVEAWAY and I am superrr excite!
The giveaway will be taking place next month - July so do keep your eyes and twitters peeled.

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