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Monday Mani : The Sugared Apple

 Hello guys. Another Monday Mani for ya. 

So I feel I've been a bit late to the mint nail party, but they say better late than never don't they. At first I was not too keen as green nail polish and I were never really friends. However, I have had some triumphs with green shades recently so thought I'd try my luck with a more pastel toned nail polish. 

 For this look I have used Barry M Gelly nail paint in Sugar Apple. 
As you can see the short nails are back and not because I wanted them that way - bloody nail breaks. I actually really like this nail colour. Bang on the pastel nail trend. It is a gorgeous pale mint colour with turquoise undertones. This shade does appear more blue that what it is in my photographs though apologies. The Barry M Gelly formula is very present with this nail shade and helped to give this mani and shiny and polished look. 

I think I may be a minty nail lover convert, so watch this space as I will be adding more mint shades to my ever growing collection. The dream would be for Nails Inc mint polishes but ain't no body got time for spending over a tenna on a nail polish - soz. 

What do you think of the shade Sugar Apple? 

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