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Balancing Act

I am so sorry for the lack of posts on my blog recently. I have missed blogging and have been M.I.A a little too long for my liking. 

I have been struggling with balancing all me bits as of late, but think I have finally found a happy place with them all. All about getting the balance right. 

Going back to study has been so much more enjoyable than I thought it would be, but it is also pretty intense. I have been so focused on my studies, completing my homework and assignments, and spending time with my son & partner. 

Mal and I are both pretty busy recently as he is also studying - SUPADAD and even though I see him everyday I miss him. We miss quality time with each other and date nights are not always possible; so we have been trying to make a more conscious effort to set aside time for each other and ourselves. But where art thou time?

So within trying to keep on top of things, I have neglected Mellies Corner a wee bit :(.
I was also feeling a little disheartened (I think that's the right word), as I was reading into the 'blogging thing' too much. Thoughts of why bother, not as good as, no one is interested in ..... were a few that crossed my mind.
I had a read of a few random posts I have done and I remembered exactly why I started blogging (again). 
I enjoy sharing my random thoughts and wishes with the universe. I absolutely love looking back at moments and seeing/reading the changes with my son. 

I think as I can have quite 'perfectionist-like' tendencies, it is really important for me to put out content on my blog that I am happy with, definitely quality over quantity. 
So for the time in hand, I will be posting 2 x weekly minimum. 
If I have a few extra minutes or stick to my plans, you never know there may be 3, 4 even 5 posts - slight exaggeration, but you get my drift. 
So I am going to not be too hard on myself if I am not able to post as many times as I would like, and just enjoy the wonderful world of blogging and sharing snippets of our life with the world wide web.
I want to live in the now with my family and spend as much time as we can creating memories and trying to capture them to also share on Mellies Corner. 
[Can we just talk about how hard it is to take pictures of, or with my little man. He really is speedy gonzales and just does not keep still.] 

I have a couple posts coming your way that I am super excited about as it is approaching December and that is my baby's birthday month. 
Woop woop. 
So lots of planning for his 2nd birthday ahead.....even though I have started already, so do keep your eyes peeled. 

I'm happy to be back and hope you will enjoy my little corner of the net. 

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