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Monday Mani : Waikiki Time

In one of my earlier Monday Mani posts, I stated I was lusting after the Models Own nail paint in Flip Flop. I have been in search of it in the shops and didn't see it until recently. 

Howeverrrr, browsing the Barry M section as you do and I spotted this lovely shade which is so not something I would typically go for.
To my surprise, I loved it.

For this look I have used Barry M Matte nail polish in Waikiki. 

This colour is ugggh, so gorgeous. It is a yellow based, lime green buttery colour. Not buttery in colour but it almost looks like a cream to me - if that makes sense. Just so lush. 
Although this is a matte nail paint, I used my normal Sally Hansen Insta-Dri topcoat to eliminate the matte finish and I think it looks glorious. Matte nails are just not for me yet, well at least not in such a bright shade. 

Barry M do offer another lime coloured nail paint in their Gelly range called Key Lime. I do not think I will be rushing to purchase this yet as it appears quite muted and definitely more on the green side of things. 

What do you think of Barry M Waikiki?

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