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Alternative Christmas Films

The kids are off from school which only means one thing at this time of year. 'Tis the season to be jolly....the Christmas holidays are here.
When I was a littlun I used to be so excited to watch all the films and the Gladiator, Blind Date and Surprise Surprise specials, that the Christmas holidays bring.

Mal is currently off so we will have many a opportunity to watch some of our favourite festive season films, with each other, alone, with Cairo, or my mum.
Although I will watch the Home Alone's, Elf's and Bad Santa's, the only chrismassy film I like is the Grinch. Below are some of the films that we enjoy at this time of year.
We won't get through all of them, but it is always nice to dream isn't it?
My son is the epitome of the energiser bunny, so currently we don't really watch much films with him, as he is only really interested in the songs. (Well songs and action scenes, he is such a boy).
Cai is far too busy to sit still for a whole film lengths time, unless it has Sofia the First, Raa Raa the Noisy Lion, Sheriff Callie and chums in it.

For this post I am showing you what Alternative Christmas Films we plan on watching this year.

The Prince of Egypt  //  Shrek 2  //  Grave of the Fireflies

Step Brothers  //  The King & I  //  Barbershop

Enchanted  //  The Best Man Holiday  //  
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

The Matrix  //  Batman - The Dark Knight  //  Inception

I think we have a good mix of films here, some classic, some rom-com, some thriller-ish, so they are quite man friendly too :). However, I am going to try to get Mal to watch Enchanted with me as I mean, who doesn't love Enchanted? It's like an adult Disney film on steroids, which makes for great Christmas season watching.
"How does she knooooow, you love her? ...... How does she know that you really, really, truly love her?" *Mel sings*

What films will you be watching this Christmas? 

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