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Sneaky Peeky Snaps #2

Sneaky Peeky Snaps - Mellies Corner

Hey guys,

Back for another sneak peek into our past fortnight.
The past two weeks have been all about chilling and reconnecting.

I celebrated my birthday and valentine's day and had such a lovely time. It was a birthday with a bit of a difference this year, but was filled with so much love and feelings of contentment I was one happy bunny.
I know many people dislike Valentine's day for the commercialised day it can be. But I definitely love it. Not for the gifts, or for having something Instagram worthy, but just celebrating love. Seeing others in their masses in love I think it is such a sweet thing too.
I am also feeling forever grateful to have such wonderful people in my life. Love you all <3

Our fortnight contained :

Sneaky Peeky Snaps - Mellies Corner
Sneaky Peeky Snaps - Mellies Corner

Catching up with my friend at her mums which is my home away from home. 

Sneaky Peeky Snaps - Mellies Corner

Crest button research

Sneaky Peeky Snaps - Mellies Corner

Chill time while our little love naps. Fifa for Mal. Blogging for me

Sneaky Peeky Snaps - Mellies Corner
Sneaky Peeky Snaps - Mellies Corner

I am all the way obsessed with these pj's for Cai from Primark. 
*What does the Fox sayy*

Birthday dinner with my mumma and Poumy. There were many laughs and inappropriate jokes from the both of them :). 

Hope you have all had a wonderful fortnight.

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