Back for another sneak peek into our past fortnight.
The past two weeks have been all about chilling and reconnecting.
I celebrated my birthday and valentine's day and had such a lovely time. It was a birthday with a bit of a difference this year, but was filled with so much love and feelings of contentment I was one happy bunny.
I know many people dislike Valentine's day for the commercialised day it can be. But I definitely love it. Not for the gifts, or for having something Instagram worthy, but just celebrating love. Seeing others in their masses in love I think it is such a sweet thing too.
I am also feeling forever grateful to have such wonderful people in my life. Love you all <3
Our fortnight contained :
Catching up with my friend at her mums which is my home away from home.
Crest button research
Chill time while our little love naps. Fifa for Mal. Blogging for me
I am all the way obsessed with these pj's for Cai from Primark.
*What does the Fox sayy*
Birthday dinner with my mumma and Poumy. There were many laughs and inappropriate jokes from the both of them :).
Hope you have all had a wonderful fortnight.
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