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50 Shades of Electric

Hey hey hey,

For my friends birthday a group of us ladies (and Lee) went to watch non other than 50 Shades of Grey. 
My friend Zoe aka Poumy is a FILM LOVER. I cannot put into words the love she has for film and all the bits that come with. She loves it so much that it has become part of her profession :). 

I don't think any of us were eager to watch Mr Grey in all his sadism glory but any excuse for ladies night right? We went to the Electric Cinema in Shoreditch and it was gorgeous. It was my first time visiting Electric Cinema and I was pleasantly surprised.

Quite a quaint building with many seats to lounge and grab something to eat or drink upstairs. The 'waiting/eating/sitting/drinking' area upstairs is also much larger than I thought it would be, but can provide for a quiet place to re group before or after a film. We prepaid £18 for a ticket for the film and I personally think it is worth it. Being able to enjoy a glass (or two) of Merlot in style and comfort is right up my alley.

Downstairs to the theatre room and it is very 1950's plush. Mirrored marbled tables with lamps on, greige (beige and grey in one - it's a thing) comfy individual armchairs laced with cashmere blankets and a super soft cushion. I don't think I would have wanted to watch 50 Shades of Grey any other way.

I had heard from a few people and read a review or two that 50 Shades of Grey was rubbish! Some people were also a little disappointed by the lack of in depth sex in the film, as that is what makes up the majority of the book. The film itself, for me, was better than I thought it would be.

I thought the beginning was super cheesy. Cringe giggly cheesy. 
Then you enjoy 20 or so minutes of 'naughtiness' within a 2 hour film. 
You feel a little empathy for both Mr Grey and Miss Steele and then you are left on the cliff of hangers. 
I for one am going to re find my 50 Shades of Grey book 2  or 3 to have a little read through to refresh my memory. 

Do check out Electric Cinema if you are wanting to visit a cinema with a bit of a difference. They play mainstream and art house films too. Luxurious cinema viewing is the way forward xx. 

Have you seen the 50 Shades of Grey film? 

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