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Sneaky Peeky Snaps #3

Sneaky Peeky Snaps 3 - Mellies Corner

Hey guys,

Another fortnight has passed and the love theme has definitely stayed with us and we thoroughly enjoyed half term with our papa bear! 
He is just so special to us and any extra time we get with him we savour in it. 
To see my son look so happy when daddy is with us in the days is just so precious. They have a ridiculous bond and I feel so lucky to be able to witness their bromance.

Our fortnight contained :
Sneaky Peeky Snaps 3 - Mellies Corner
Sneaky Peeky Snaps 3 - Mellies Corner

 Bromance bonding

Sneaky Peeky Snaps 3 - Mellies Corner

Poorly bubba. He wanted all the cuddles and slept on me which hasn't happened in so long. I loved every minute of it!

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The bf all suited and booted and looking well fit.

Sneaky Peeky Snaps 3 Electric Cinema - Mellies Corner

Electric Cinema for 50 Shades of Grey which you can read here

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Petit filous snacks, which is a rare treat for Cai due to his eczema.

Sneaky Peeky Snaps 3 - Mellies Corner

My little love made his first nursery painting and it was a Mother's day card. I died when he gave it to me. All the feelings. Thank you bubba!

Sneaky Peeky Snaps 3 - Mellies Corner

Rest In Perfect Peace Grandad. We Love You <3

Hope you have had a wonderful fortnight

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