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Sneaky Peeky Snaps #4

Hey hey guys,

Hope you are all well.
Another Sunday sneak peek into our fortnight.

We haven't really got up to much this fortnight, spent time with family and getting things together following the passing of my Grandad.

Mal and I had a little reminisce evening with videos of Cai when he was a newborn and oh my goodness. Does anyone else do this and get super emotional?
He was the sweetest little thing - my heart was literally all over the place. It feels like a lifetime away and brings back so many mixed emotions and wonderful memories. His growth is just so fascinating to watch and we absolutely love nurturing him and teaching him all the little bits he knows. Makes for very proud parents. And one slightly broody mama [don't worry Mal you've got at least another 2 years before we extend the brood lol]. That is one of the reasons that blogging makes me so happy. Having this teeny corner of the www where I can document our lives, pictures of Cai, what we were up to, what we were loving. It's like a virtual time warp...or maybe virtual memory box would be a better sentence :).

Anywho do read on to see what we have been up to these past 2 weeks.  

Our pancake day pancakes. In March :). 

 Cai helping his Nouna open her birthday presents. Much encouragement was needed but he got there in the end. 

Cai did however enjoy 'drawing/writing' in Poumy's birthday card. He chose the colours himself and everything!

I actually love doing Cai's laundry....isn't that the most mum thing to say ever. 

My beautiful little garden gnome. This little face just kills me <3

After nursery walks with my little love. 

Cai at 6 weeks old. I mean. I just cannot! 

Hope you all have had a lovely fortnight xx.

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