So here we are December 31st 2014. The last day of this year......and what a year it has been. 2014 has been a good year. The year of change (for me). Mal and I were reunited and it feels so gooood - shoutout to Peaches & Herb. Watching my little boy grow, develop and learn so much has
Archive for
December 2014
Monday Mani : Festive Edition V
Monday Mani : Festive Edition V
Hey guys here is my fifth and final instalment of festive edition Monday manis. For the month of December I have been letting you guys know what festive nail looks I have been wearing. For the final week we have the : Celebration 2-14 mani This week it's all about saying goodbye to the year 2014 and getting
Merry Christmas Everyone
Merry Christmas Everyone
Alternative Christmas Films
Alternative Christmas Films

The kids are off from school which only means one thing at this time of year. 'Tis the season to be jolly....the Christmas holidays are here. When I was a littlun I used to be so excited to watch all the films and the Gladiator, Blind Date and Surprise Surprise specials, that the Christmas holidays bring. Mal is
Monday Mani : Festive Editions IIII
Monday Mani : Festive Editions IIII
Hey guys, For this week we have my fourth instalment of festive edition Monday mani's. I let you guys know the festive inspired nail looks I will be rocking this December. This week we have the : #Caimas nails (Yes I have made my sons bday/Xmas event into a hash tag lol). This week [for me] is all
#Caimas : Our Small Christmas Decorations
#Caimas : Our Small Christmas Decorations

Hey guys, I thought I would do a small post on our #Caimas Christmas decorations this year. As it will be #Caimas - [Cairo's birthday and Christmas all in one], I plan to get a few balloons and birthday type decorations too, but oh so typical, I've left that till the last minute. This is the first year
Christmas Gift Ideas Under £25 Round Up
Christmas Gift Ideas Under £25 Round Up
Stuck for great Christmas gift ideas for the loved ones in your life? Is budget a little tight this year, but you don't want to compromise on good quality products for your loved ones? You have left your Christmas shopping a little late this year (as usual), forgetting the month of December is not 50 days long? Well
Monday Mani : Festive Editions III
Monday Mani : Festive Editions III
Hey hey hey guys. Here is my third instalment of my festive edition Monday manis. I let you guys know the festive inspired nail look I will be rocking this December. For this week we have the : Party All Night Nails This weeks mani is all about the upcoming Christmas party's. With just over a week left
Mothers Meeting Xmas Coffee Morning
Mothers Meeting Xmas Coffee Morning
Christmas Gifts £25 & Under : For The Little Ones
Christmas Gifts £25 & Under : For The Little Ones
Monday Mani : Festive Edition II
Monday Mani : Festive Edition II
Hey guys here is my second instalment of festive edition Monday manis. I let you guys know the festive inspired nail looks I will be rocking this December. This week is all about preparing for the festive season, shopping, making sure your beginning to tie up loose ends at work, wrapping presents if your an organised bunny and
Christmas Gifts £25 & Under : For Him
Christmas Gifts £25 & Under : For Him

Hello lovelies. I am back with another, smaller set of great presents, all for the lucky men in our lives. I find it so difficult to shop for men sometimes. Women are much more simple I find and there is so much out there catered to the ladies that won't break the bank. Nevertheless, I have found some
Christmas Gifts £20 & Under : For Her
Christmas Gifts £20 & Under : For Her

Hey hey hey. Today I will be doing a small post on Christmas Gift Ideas for the special ladies in your life. It seems the older and busier we get the later we put off buying our loved ones gifts. I used to have all my Christmas shopping bought and wrapped by November. Alas the days before motherhood
Monday Mani : Festive Edition I
Monday Mani : Festive Edition I
Hiya guys, we are back on full force over here :) As we are now in December, this month brings along a few events with it. Cairo's 2nd birthday yay! Christmas holidays, New Years and our anniversary - mine and Mal's that is. As we all know I love all things nails, I thought it would be a
Balancing Act
Balancing Act
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