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Mummy Problems

Yesterday was a difficult day. 

We had a friend round with his son and all started so well. 
Cai loves kids and is so excited to play with them.
However he will also sometimes really TEST the boundaries, 'showing off' you could call it around others.
His testing today resulted in 10+ solid minutes of crying, TANTRUMS, having to be held on my lap while he wanted to fight to be free, snot running, all while mummy was trying to entertain and not look too flustered. Which carried on until bath time. Just a mess.
I know it can always be worse, but I do get embarrassed and a lil frustrated when my lil one acts up especially in front of people. He is normally so well behaved and yes he is still little but I know he understands a lot. He knows majority of the time what he should and shouldn't do - he gives you the eyes when going to do something naughty, but I do not want this behaviour to become a regular occurrence. He needs to know alongside with my love for him and my softish nature...mummy is boss. 
I find he also listens to his dad so much better these days, which is not fun when you're the one with baby for the majority of the day. Is it a guy thing? But hey ho I will get it together. Just one of these parenting hurdles.

Some days being a mummy is tough!
Learning and finding a way to discipline your child can be difficult!
I know that I am only at the beginning of the journey with Cai and when I am older and he is taller, bigger, older I will look back and know ..... It was so worth. Water off a ducks back and all that :).

My baby boy I love you dearly.
But bare with me too as mummy is also trying to find her way.

 How beautiful are you.

Thank you Auntie Gem for my outfit.

Are there any behaviours you find difficult from your little one?

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