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The Boots Event That Never Was

I was umming and ahhing on whether to put up this post, as there is not much to report, annnd it is not the most positive review of a Boots Parenting Club Event. Nevertheless, I have to honest and thought, why not just share my experience. 

I had signed up to Boots Parenting Club when pregnant and was impressed with what they offer to parents to be and parents of children up to 2 years old.
I received a save the day email from Boots, to attend their parenting club event, on the 27th May 2014, in Westfield Stratford Boots store.

Off I went to Stratford without bubba as he was in bed with his dad (awww) and surprisingly got to Stratfields early.
Why they never called Westfield Stratford, Stratfields, I don't know :)

I made my way down to Boots a little excited to see what was in store, as having been to Mothercare events they usually provide you with so much helpful information. 
However things were quite unorganised which, I was surprised about.

The stands were not complete
No goody bags made up (advertised firsts to arrive would take home an exclusive goody bag)
Not all experts showed up to provide advice and information (as advertised) 
No one knew about the prize draw for mummy & baby (as advertised)
No free samples (as advertised)
No one was aware of what should be happening

Mums were able to get a free mini makeover by No7
St John's Ambulance were able to offer advice and demonstrations regarding potential accidents
Goody bag

There was a main first aid kit on display. The Boots Pharmaceuticals St John Ambulance Complete First Aid Kit , which has over 50 items to help treat minor injuries in emergency situations.  This retailed for £19.99 and many of the products could be individually bought through Boots or on the St John's Ambulance website.

The Boots Pharmaceuticals St John Ambulance Complete First Aid Kit

After over 45 minutes of waiting and walking around Boots, I was told to leave and come back after half an hour and more information would be available. So off I went to Victoria Secrets mmm and good old Primark. On my return, there was no further information available at this point so I made my way home.

Every parent that queued received a goody bag and here are the contents:

Play dough Booklet
Money off coupons Cow & Gate
Money off coupon Water Wipes
1 Paediasure Shake Satchet
1 Natural Shampoo Calming Chamomile Sample
1 Cow & Gate Fruit Mix Pouch
1 Miniclub Bubble Bottle
1 Mam Night 0+ Soother (which glows in the dark)

I am intrigued by the Paediasure Shake sachet which is meant to be very helpful for fussy eaters.
At first I thought it was a protein shake for kids lol. 

All in all I was a little disappointed by the lack of organisation for this event. However I thought it is great that they offer free mini makeovers for mummies.  I think it would have been helpful to have access to different experts as advertised. Staff were friendly and tried to be as helpful as possible but it was apparent, that they were not given much information themselves.

Hopefully if they have another event, I will be able to report back a more overall positive experience.

Has anyone attended a Boots Parenting Club event, if yes, what was your experience?

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