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Baby Summer Wishlist : H&M Edit

Good old confused British weather.

Now I am not a lover of HOT weather especially in the UK. After it goes past 25 degrees ..... I'm not interested and thankfully my hubby is the same.

However there is nothing I love more than thinking up all the outfits I'd love to dress Cairo in.
So I thought while I'm in the middle of getting Cairo a summer wardrobe, I will show you a few items that I have on my wish list from none other than H&M.

1. Cotton shirt £5.99
2. Shoes £7.99
3. Cargo pants £9.99
4. Sneakers £5.99
5. Jersey shorts £3.99 [can also be bought 3 for 2 in their basics range]
6. 2 pack T-shirts £5.99
7. Bomber jacket £19.99
8. Cotton shorts £4.99

I really like how simple and neat H&M's clothes are, this makes them very versatile and easy to mix and match with many items in Cairo's current wardrobe. Kids do not stay small for long and it is so annoying to buy an item, plan the outfit then forget about it, (guilty) or realise ummm actually this really doesn't fit you anymore.

There are also some gorgeous pieces in Primark that I have seen for little boys. I couldn't do a wish list on those as we all know ..... you cannot shop online at Primark :( ooooh well.

Is there anything particular on your wish lists for the upcoming summer?

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