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 photo Mellies Corner Author for blogger_zpsegh5lehe.jpg


Sneaky Peeky Snippets : 09.06.14 - 22.06.14

Hello all. 

Welcome back. 

These past two weeks have been pretty calm. The weather has been so much better which is lovely. However we suspect bubba may suffer from hay-fever, so we shall be going to the doctors just to check things out, as you do.

Cai has so many teeth already, but over the last month or so, the teething has been very bothersome for him. He is trying to chew on any and everything, so we will be getting him a teething soother ring or something along those lines as *hangs head in shame* I lost his previous ones.

Our past two weeks have contained the following:

- Cai watching an actual 10 minutes of a film - this is unheard of.

- Bubba and I had a mummy & baby date, which ended in a treat from McDonald's. 


- Sleeping Baby. I miss him sleeping on me so much.

- Feeding his cookie jar.

- Cucumber snacks.

- Bath time by candle light.

- Play time with Shy-shy.

- Using his baby app.

- Shopping with Auntie P & Banma

- Baby does yoga. He does this pose so often but I never capture it properly. I am on a quest.

Hope you have all had a lovely fortnight.

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