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Sneaky Peeky Snippets : 25.05.14 - 08.06.14

Hey hey hey.

I thought it would be a nice feature to add a small fortnightly family catch up on Mellies Corner. Children grow so fast and no two weeks are the same even though much of what we do might be.

We take so many pictures daily so this is also the place where I will add some random pics of our weeks too. I will be posting a week ahead to make sure I catch you guys up properly- no slapdash-edness here. 

So here we go, these past two weeks have contained:

- My blog going live on Sunday 1st June woop woop.

- Cai learning a new trick with the football to which he said 'WOWWW'.

- We have new additions to the family. Mal's sister had beautiful twin baby girls. Congratulations S & R!

- My bestie was down from Plymouth where she is studying. She will be a teacher when she comes back so proud.

My phone was hijacked
Mini banoffee pies with glitter 
Mummy & baby fruit bowls

- Date Night at Thai Square, the cocktails were yummy.

Date night excitement

- Mal was off for half term which was AMAZE. Had such a lovely week and we miss him already :(

Sleeping bears

After his haircut

- Cairo had a play date with his cousins.

- Mal decided at 00:40 he wanted Chinese so off we ventured to China Town. 
London at night. The things you do for love :).

Everyone was raving and having a night out. We were sober and ordering chinese. 

Hope you had a lovely fortnight. See you soon.


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