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Father's Day Follow-Up

This is just a small post to let you guys know how Mal's day went this Father's Day.

Mal doesn't celebrate Father's Day so to not over plague him with Father's Day celebratory bits, I tried to keep things respectfully small.
I try to let him know I appreciate him everyday, but I am a sucker for doing something a little bit special on specific days.
So this year in keeping with our small day of appreciation, Cai and I got him 2 little bits.

Darth Vader onesie.
He's been wanting a house onesie for some time and yes, I know it is summer, but this is winter preparation. Andddd it's Darth Vader with a detachable cape and everything lol. I for one cannot wait to see him in it.


White socks
Pretty self explanatory, but my bf loves white socks, I don't think he owns a coloured pair and if he does they are most likely mine. A guy can never have too many socks right?

A card from bubs and I
Any excuse for Cai to colour something.

Brownie cake
I have not baked since food tech classes in secondary school which was years ago. Mal doesn't really like cakes, cupcakes that sorta thing, but he does like brownies with custard or ice cream. So I thought he could have that for dessert.
The decoration was interesting, as with brownies you don't really tend to ice them. Cai made a little flag with my assistance (so cute) and I spelt out Deh Deh (which is what Cai used to call him) in edible silver balls on top. Simple and as personalised as I could get...I tried :).

I hope he had a nice chilled day. 
We love him very very much and he is an amazing dad and partner.
It's always nice to do something for those you love isn't it.

Did you do anything for the daddies in your life on Father's Day?

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