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Monday Mani : Guava Goodness

Monday Mani : Guava Goodness

June 30, 2014
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So this week sticking to my love of blue shade nail polishes, I have painted my nails with a more turquoise blue nail polish. I have used Barry M Gelly in Guava for this look. Now I've had this colour for a while, and have used it once or twice in the past but strangely enough, I really

Sneaky Peeky Snippets : 09.06.14 - 22.06.14

Sneaky Peeky Snippets : 09.06.14 - 22.06.14

June 29, 2014
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Sneaky Peeky Snippets : 09.06.14 - 22.06.14 Image
Hello all.  Welcome back.  These past two weeks have been pretty calm. The weather has been so much better which is lovely. However we suspect bubba may suffer from hay-fever, so we shall be going to the doctors just to check things out, as you do. Cai has so many teeth already, but over the last month or

Our Prince is 18 Months Old

Our Prince is 18 Months Old

June 26, 2014
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Our Prince is 18 Months Old Image
Our baby is now 18 months - 1 and a half years old, I just cannot deal. Where does the time go? I thought I would do a full update on Cai every 6 months or so, to document the changes and it will be something nice for us to look back at. I get super emotional as

Monday Mani : Nearly Nude

Monday Mani : Nearly Nude

June 23, 2014
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I am currently on the hunt for a lovely nude shade. I find Rimmel's nude shades more suitable for me. I love Barry M Gelly in Lychee but always find I cannot apply it smoothly. It's either too thick or streaky which is not cute and then results in chips 2 days later. So while I'm on the

Kiddy Time

Kiddy Time

June 23, 2014
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I have grown up with my friend Ayesha from primary school.  We used to talk to each other for hours on end with our wishes for our lives. The man. The car. The travels. The career. Most importantly the kids, motherhood, names, what we thought they would look like, things we wanted to do with them, to name

Father's Day Follow-Up

Father's Day Follow-Up

June 22, 2014
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Father's Day Follow-Up Image
This is just a small post to let you guys know how Mal's day went this Father's Day. Mal doesn't celebrate Father's Day so to not over plague him with Father's Day celebratory bits, I tried to keep things respectfully small. I try to let him know I appreciate him everyday, but I am a sucker for doing

The Boots Event That Never Was

The Boots Event That Never Was

June 19, 2014
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The Boots Event That Never Was Image
I was umming and ahhing on whether to put up this post, as there is not much to report, annnd it is not the most positive review of a Boots Parenting Club Event. Nevertheless, I have to honest and thought, why not just share my experience.  I had signed up to Boots Parenting Club when pregnant and was

Monday Mani : Silk

Monday Mani : Silk

June 16, 2014
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My manis have been lasting even less than usual recently.  However I am guilty of not wearing my Marigold's (yellow gloves if you didn't know) when washing up :(. My goodness the damage this can do is just ridic.  So this week trying to be a good girl I painted my nails without a design and just kept

Sneaky Peeky Snippets : 25.05.14 - 08.06.14

Sneaky Peeky Snippets : 25.05.14 - 08.06.14

June 15, 2014
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Sneaky Peeky Snippets : 25.05.14 - 08.06.14 Image
Hey hey hey. I thought it would be a nice feature to add a small fortnightly family catch up on Mellies Corner. Children grow so fast and no two weeks are the same even though much of what we do might be. We take so many pictures daily so this is also the place where I will add

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day

June 15, 2014
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Happy Father's Day Image
Today is Father's Day and I just wanted to wish the all the daddies out there a  Happy Father's Day! To the special daddies in my life:

Mummy Problems

Mummy Problems

June 12, 2014
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Yesterday was a difficult day.  We had a friend round with his son and all started so well.  Cai loves kids and is so excited to play with them. However he will also sometimes really TEST the boundaries, 'showing off' you could call it around others. His testing today resulted in 10+ solid minutes of crying, TANTRUMS, having to

Baby Summer Wishlist : H&M Edit

Baby Summer Wishlist : H&M Edit

June 12, 2014
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Baby Summer Wishlist : H&M Edit Image
Good old confused British weather. Now I am not a lover of HOT weather especially in the UK. After it goes past 25 degrees ..... I'm not interested and thankfully my hubby is the same. However there is nothing I love more than thinking up all the outfits I'd love to dress Cairo in.

Monday Mani : Orange Fever

Monday Mani : Orange Fever

June 09, 2014
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Here we are again. Another week, another mani. I have a love/hate relationship with orange nail polish, it's not a colour I tend to wear often.  When I do go for an orange nail polish, I usually tend to stick to neon orange shades as I feel they look better with my skin tone. However I wanted to

Last Minute Father's Day Gift Ideas

Last Minute Father's Day Gift Ideas

June 08, 2014
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Last Minute Father's Day Gift Ideas Image
Father's Day Sunday 15th June 2014. With Father's Day fast approaching and as a sometimes last minute person, I thought I would share some possible gift ideas for the daddies in our lives. 

Phenomenal Woman

Phenomenal Woman

June 05, 2014
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Phenomenal Woman  Image
I thought I would do a small post on the late, great, Maya Angelou who passed away May 28th 2014.

Monday Mani

Monday Mani

June 02, 2014
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As I am now a mummy, my nail polish does not last or stay chip resistant for long AT ALL. I'm lucky if I get 3 days wear out of them, so I usually tend to paint them twice a week especially if I have something special going on.  I've always enjoyed painting my nails however I am



June 01, 2014
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Welcome! Image
Welcome one, Welcome all. I am Mel and this is my corner of the net, hence the name Mellies Corner. Cheesy I know but watchagundo lol. I had originally started blogging when pregnant with my little prince. However becoming a new mummy, through the newborn and first months stages; I really couldn't get my thoughts together to blog.

Get To Know Me - The Mummy Tag

Get To Know Me - The Mummy Tag

June 01, 2014
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Get To Know Me - The Mummy Tag Image
Hey hey hey everyone. So I was mulling over what my first official blog post should be, and what better way than to give you a bit of an insight into my life as a mummy. So here is the Mummy Tag avec Mellies Corner :).