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Monday Mani : Matt no E

I love white nails and if I could paint them nicely I would wear them 60% of the time.
However, I find white nail polish to be so unforgiving. 
It can show layers, smudges, lumps, thickness and just look like you have tippexed your nails, if not applied properly.

I really tried to do the 3 stroke nail paint.
One in the middle
One on the left
One on the right

But I mean I am not a trained professional ..... Who has got time for that :).

So this is my attempt at white nails using Barry M Matt White.

I always find if I have gone through more than a 1/3 of the bottle the consistency of the nail polish is super almost stodgy. I wonder why that is or if it is something I am doing?
Hopefully I can get a decent amount of wear from them. Marigolds at the ready.

I tend to like the general application of the nail polish as it is Barry M but I will be keeping my eye out for other brands with white shades.
I sometimes also feel white nails look so chic on shorter nails. My nails are no way long but have a little length to them currently, so maybe for winter I may try a shorter length with a different shape. We shall see.

How do you feel about white nail polish?

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