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Ughh. I have a cold. Tis crap. 

I've been surrounded by boys boys and more boys; I've had my 2 nephews and cousin staying with us for the past couple of days. I am now just out of energy and have collected a cold. 

I had posts planned for this week, but I like to double triple check they are ok to be seen by eyes other than mine before posting; and I haven't had the chance to do that this week. 
I do apologise for the lack of posts but I will make it up to you soon :).

I feel like I haven't had a cold for a while so at first was very shocked as to how tiredness, low energy and general congestion/stuffiness can affect your day. 
I feel a little like I am being 'a man', you know when they get man flu it is the worst thing in the world -__- lol. 
However I plan to have many lemsips, cold & flu tablets, decongestant spray and warm honey & lemon with a little rum (any excuse for a little alcohol ey) to combat the c.o.l.d. 

P.S you mothers of more than one kiddie are just AMAZZZZZIIIIING. I'll try to round up my past few days for you guys soon, so keep your eyes peeled. 

What are some of your tips for getting through a cold when looking after little ones? 

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