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Mini Haul : Stationery Edit

I am currently studying again and due to the change in my life, that meant that all new equipment needed to be acquired.
Any excuse for shopping :).

I have posted my (mini series) Back to School wish lists here on my blog.
If you haven't seen them, here are the links, take a look :
3. Bags

I wanted to conclude things properly (you see what studying does, brings back all your English literature techniques) and show you what back to school stationery items I have added to my life. 


* Orange Polkadot A4 Notebook - WHSmith
* Green Grid Ruled A4 Notebook - School Favourite
* Purple A4 Project Notebook - WHSmith

Plastic Wallets

* 5 pack Multi-Coloured Plastic Wallets - WHSmith

Pencils & Accessories

* 5 pack Mechanical Pencils - Tiger
* 6 Pack Mega Paperclips - Tiger
* Pink/Purple Pot of Paperclips - Staples
* Strip Post It Notes - My own 
* Diamond Pink Eraser - Tiger
* 30cm Pink Ruler - WHSmith



*10 pack Paper Mate Inkjoy pens - Asda
* 3 pack Black Bic Soft Feel Biro - Asda

I didn't buy a new study bag as I am trying to do better with spending and I have 3 great bags from Primark, which have worked out just fine for me.
The bags were featured in my Summer New Additions post which you can read here.

Project books are the way to go, they have proved so helpful so far during my return to study. Differing subjects or sub-sections can be easily organised in their own little sections. 
My back to school stationery picks would not be complete without some pink items. Pink, pink, pink everywhere. My happy place lol. 
I am absolutely loving the store Tiger. They remind me a little of Ikea in that they are quite quirky and reasonably priced. The pink diamond eraser is just yes. I had to have it, even though I have not used it yet, but it is super cute.
However, my all time loves are the Paper Mate Inkjoy pens, they are amaze-balls. Seriously. 
They write so smoothly, a marriage of gel pen + biro pen = the best pen.
I can't even describe how lovely they are. 
Go and get your Inkjoy orn!


What do you think of my back to study stationery pieces?

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