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What We Loved This Summer 2014 : 10 Things

We all truly enjoyed this summer. 

We wanted to create some new memories, spend time with each other, friends & family, visit our old favourite places and experiment with new things as our boy is growing. 
Here is a small round up of the things (as a family) we were loving this Summer 2014. 

1.  Ice Cubes & DIY Ice Lollies

Now I don't know where my son's love for ice came from but he is lovin' it. To the point where you will hear silence after he has ran into the kitchen because he has opened the freezer to use his little fingers to try to eat the ice on the shelves.

To incorporate his love for ice into his dessert I make him homemade ice lollies, with real fruit pieces and a mixture of fruit juice and water, which he really really enjoys.
Obviously I had to make some adult appropriate ones with Southern Comfort and mushed strawberries & lime for me and my fella, which were AMAZE if I say so myself.

2.  Plums . . . Picking, Eating, Crumblin'

We have a plum tree in our garden and it bares plums every summer and they are so yum. 
This year as Cai is very active he would pick plums and eat them. Occasionally coming to you with a plum in hand to wash one after he had scoffed two others. 
I decided to make plum crumble with our plums and success. It was delish. 

3.  Buses

I am not a great fan of buses, I have to be honest. However on a non school day and not during rush hour, the buses are so much quieter and less busy - just so much nicer. This also means that you are not having to wait 10 years to get on a bus with your buggy either due to overcrowding.
Maybe because the sun was out, people were also so much more polite and smiling, but for the first time in years, the buses this summer were pretty pleasant.

4.  Voss Water Bottle

This is a personal one. I try to drink 2l of water a day and sometimes you don't want to be carrying that weird shaped 1+l bottle around with you. The Voss water bottles are so much more streamlined and I found them easier to carry in both, my nappy bag and handbag. The bottles are also made from glass which means you can clean and re use as many times as you like.

5.  Shoreditch (in the day)

Shoreditch in the day was a lovely place for us. 
It housed Mothers Meetings for me.
It provided walks and lunch for Mal, bubba and I. 
It is not too far away from where we live either so was no hassle to get to.
We had a great lunch at Red Dog Saloon where Cai actually slept throughout the duration of the meal, so we actually felt like we were on a mini date.

6.  Daddy

As it was the Summer Holidays we had papa bear for a whole 5+ weeks which was dreamy. 
Cai had his full time play fighting partner and some quality boy time. I had so much help and time to get my life in order and return back to school.
We got to spend some good time together which is always lovely as we miss him during the days. Life is real busy for us at the mo, I cannot wait until the October half-term, bring on the snuggle marathon.

7.  South Bank

We visited South Bank during the festival of love and we loved it :). I have done a separate post on our South Bank love which you can read here.

8.  Family & Friends

We all got to spend time with both sides of family which I love. 
I was surrounded by boys for days! You can read all about it here if you haven't seen the post already. 
We also had baby cuddles as Mal's sister had twin baby girls. Yay.

9.  The park

I love love love our local park. For my son who is definitely a energy filled wild child, the park is a wonderful place all year round but especially in summer. 
Brighter weather, that little bit quieter as people are more spread around, he can stay out playing for longer, we can sit on the grass with snacks and a book.
The park is free, there are no limits to how long you stay, and, it is just a great way for me to ensure somebody has fun and a great nap time too lol. 

10.  Adilette Sandals

Now I love these little beauty's from Adidas. 
I love the baby versions and I love mine too. 
I have to repurchase them for Cai in a bigger size (hopefully I can find them) as they are amazing. 
So easy to put on and take off. They appear super comfortable for him as he can run, climb you name it in them. They clean easily, they are black and white and super cute.
Ticks all round from me.

I couldn't do this post without featuring one or two of Cai's tunes this Summer. 

He seems to like him some production. That's my boy :) 

What things were you loving this summer?

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