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Monthly Wishes : May

Monthly Wishes : May

May 31, 2015
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Monthly Wishes : May  Image
May has been a great month. I'm feeling more settled on my course (finally), and it was my mums birthday so was nice to spoil her a little too. We also have a new addition to the family in the form of a 6 month old kitten called Rufus. He is super cute and cheeky and I'm so

Alexander McQueen #SavageBeauty

Alexander McQueen #SavageBeauty

May 28, 2015
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You know an exhibition was truly something when it sticks with you days after. I went to see the perfectly titled Alexander McQueen Savage Beauty exhibition at the V&A Museum and it was nothing short of amazing. So intense, Sadistic, Heavy, Romantic, Provocative, Hauntingly beautiful, Torturous, With a real sense of sadness through many of the pieces, Just stunningly

Monday Mani : The Sugared Apple

Monday Mani : The Sugared Apple

May 25, 2015
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 Hello guys. Another Monday Mani for ya.  So I feel I've been a bit late to the mint nail party, but they say better late than never don't they. At first I was not too keen as green nail polish and I were never really friends. However, I have had some triumphs with green shades recently so thought

The Disney Tag

The Disney Tag

May 24, 2015
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The Disney Tag  Image
Hey hey ya'll. This week I have a tag post all about Disney. I read the lovely Charlotte from Berice Baby do this tag and sadly asked if I could tag myself. But she nicely helped me out and tagged me instead :). I do not know the blog tag etiquette at all. My partner and I were

Lemme Upgrade Ya

Lemme Upgrade Ya

May 19, 2015
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Mellies Corner is nearly a year old. Time really does fly when you are having fun. I have really enjoyed blogging and being able to express myself creatively on this little corner of the net. As you do....a little bit of reflecting here and there, I had a look at my blog and was wanting more. When I

Monday Mani : Passionate Pink

Monday Mani : Passionate Pink

May 18, 2015
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 Hey everyone, hope you are all well :). I am back with another weeks Monday mani. This week we have a shade and a formula I am so happy with. For this weeks look I have used Revlon Colorstay in Passionate Pink.  This nail polish is just yum! So pink, so creamy, so easy to apply! The best

Time Goes By, So Slowly - That's A LIE!

Time Goes By, So Slowly - That's A LIE!

May 14, 2015
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Time Goes By, So Slowly - That's A LIE! Image
Hey hey everyone. How are we all? I wanted to catch up with you guys as I feel I have missed an eternity in the blogosphere. I had so many posts to catch up on Bloglovin' my goodness. Actually can we just talk about the Bloglovin' app .... Is it just mine that is super slow and freezes

Monday Mani : Barry M Almond Berries

Monday Mani : Barry M Almond Berries

May 11, 2015
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Finally I have a Monday Mani up. It may have only been a week .... but it feels like an eternity lol. My nails have grown and are doing pretty well if I may so my self, so I thought I would put a little effort into my mani this week. For this look I have used Barry