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PMS Daze aka Days

My Thursday post has had to be postponed due to Sage bloody Accounts.
What a jar in my head it has been the last few days.
When things do not add up on paper, in your head or on the computer.
I have emailed my tutor, have googled, skipped through my notes and 'for dummies.....' book again alas, to no avail.
So I have given up for an evening,
As I've realised it is not all my fault :)
I am PMSing.

I shall consume ALL the wine and (some) chocolate with smiles on my face,
as it is also 'that' time of the month.
What is better than chocolate and wine during the monthly struggle ..... umm nothing!
And yes, that even includes working out.
The wine : chocolate ratio releases all the endorphins one needs at this time.

I found the funniest link to the best post I have read in ages.
I shared it with Facebook, my fellow PMS ladies and my boyfriend so he can get a glimpse into what we have to go through once a month.
Let me know what you guys think as I find it rings so true and is hilarious to read it in context like that. Please do click the link below and enjoy the lol's.

Mucho love to you all.
All will resume back to normal in a couple days.

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