Hello lovelies.
I am so happy that my first Monday Mani of 2015 is a special edition and my first collaboration post with my lovely friend Sarah. We have known each other from school #teamhornseygirls and she has always had super long, healthy and painted nails.
So I asked her to grace my blog with a special nail option for the upcoming Valentine's day.
The gorgeous Sarah blogs over at www.naildesignguide.co.uk so please do check her out.
You can also find Nail Design Guide on :
Instagram : naildesignguide
Facebook : naildesignguide
Nail Design Guide contains tips, techniques and designs for the nail lovers, and we all know that I love a nail post - hence the collaboration for my Monday Mani's.
Although Valentine's day is a few days away, we wanted to have options earlier rather than later to eliminate the fail nail look. You know the fail nail, the nail polish or design you thought would look so bomb on your nails, and then when you paint them, in reality it looks like cack lol.
So I shall hand it over to the lovely Sarah for the Monday Mani : Valentine's Edition.

For this look I used O.P.I's Flamenco Pink and
Models Own pink and white nail pens (I mainly used the nail brush for the
design, not the pen nib). You can get O.P.I Flamenco Pink for £7.98 online here. It is a really good quality nail varnish, last for
ages and in my opinion is definitely worth it. Alternatively
you can buy another bright colour which fits your budget :). The nail pens from Models Own are £5.99 each.
First I applied a base coat - this is an important first step. If you have enough time you should also sort out your cuticles and file your nails to the desired shape. This just makes sure the foundation is ready to go; it’s kinda like painting a room – 80% preparation & 20% decoration!
Then I started on the Flamenco Pink base – using the cuticle as a starting point I worked my way up to the tip making sure I left a space in-between as it looks more professional and eliminates mess and build-up. Wait for the first coat to dry slightly then apply the second coat, being sure to brush in a straight line. It is best to ensure the two coats dry entirely so the base does not get messed up when you start the design.
Using Models Own pink and white nail pens I started on the designs for each nail. I wanted to create a kind of charm bracelet effect so a different style for each nail. I did a bit of brainstorming before this (e.g. what symbols remind me of Valentine’s day) and I started to draw these on.
My main tip here would be to go slow and try and keep a steady hand. This is key are it is such a pain when you have to take it off and do it again! My key symbols were focused on: hearts, flowers, the word ‘love’ and a bit of glitter. Because come on, who doesn’t love a bit of glitter!
Once completed I applied nail polish remover to a cotton bud to clear up any excess around the circumference of the nail for a good finish. I then completed the look with Rimmel’s Nail Nurse (clear nail varnish). REALLY important that you use a clear nail varnish with a good consistency. If it’s too fluid (e.g. Finishing Touch from Rimmel) the design will actually spread and it will be ruined. No joke. Make sure the design is completely dry before you add the clear nail varnish.
That’s about it – stare with awe at your nails and show them off on Valentine’s day! Beauty at your fingertips!

Question Time :
S : My favourite nail polish of all time is Revlon’s Grey Suede – absolutely loved it the moment I bought it. It has great coverage, finish and is a great background for designs.
What nail shape are you?
S : My nail shape has been rounded now for a few years. Initially I had squared nails but I think one chipped and I rounded it off. Ever since then I was hooked! Also in my opinion it looks more feminine.
To top coat or not to top coat?
S : ALWAYS top coat as I find my nails will either chip or the nail varnish will get chipped. My favourite top coat varnish is Rimmel’s Nail Nurse but Barry M’s Top and Base coat works pretty well.
One foolproof nail art technique?
S : I can always do line designs on my nails pretty easily if I have the right nail brush. Usually a curved line from the top of my nails down to the bottom is a sure thang.
Worst nail look or experience?
S : Once I used those little nail metallic strips thinking it would look pretty cool, however they fell off almost instantly and were gone by the time I go home. I bought a lot of those badboys too. Ouch.
Hope you all enjoyed my first collaboration post here on Mellies Corner.
Thank you to my lovely Sarah for helping a sista out with this gorgeous nail design :)
What nail look are you planning to rock this Valentine's day?
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