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 photo Mellies Corner Author for blogger_zpsegh5lehe.jpg


Monthly Wishes : February

Monthly Wishes : February

February 28, 2015
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Monthly Wishes : February  Image
Another month down and another wishes post for you.  Although I have received so much this month, I still have my eye on a few things and my bf has also added an item of his own too.  Here are our February Wishes : 

PMS Daze aka Days

PMS Daze aka Days

February 26, 2015
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PMS Daze aka Days Image
My Thursday post has had to be postponed due to Sage bloody Accounts. What a jar in my head it has been the last few days. When things do not add up on paper, in your head or on the computer. Frustrating! I have emailed my tutor, have googled, skipped through my notes and 'for dummies.....' book again

Monday Mani : Who Knows Avon

Monday Mani : Who Knows Avon

February 23, 2015
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Hey ya'll. I haven't posted a standard Monday Mani for a little while as I was playing catch up with our favourites products of 2014, as well as enjoying our anniversary, but I am now back for good :). I also hosted my first collaboration post with my gorgeous friend Sarah who blogs over at Sarah created

Mothers Meeting Does Social Media

Mothers Meeting Does Social Media

February 19, 2015
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Mothers Meeting Does Social Media Image
The (at times) wonderful world of Social Media. As soon as I saw the advert for this Mothers Meeting I booked with no hesitation probably 2 months in advance. You have to be quick with these Mothers Meeting events as tickets go like hot cakes. The event was held at the forever gorgeous Shoreditch House and was fronted

Sneaky Peeky Snaps #1

Sneaky Peeky Snaps #1

February 15, 2015
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Sneaky Peeky Snaps #1 Image
Hey ya'll. It has been a long long time since I have posted a Sneaky Peeky Snippets post, and I've missed having them to look back at. Soooo with that being said, I have decided to slightly amend my Sneaky Peeky Snippets into Sneaky Peeky Snaps. As that is what the posts are based on, sharing with you

Valentine's Day Tag

Valentine's Day Tag

February 12, 2015
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Valentine's Day Tag Image
Isn't February just the month of love......or so I like to believe. It is my birthday on Valentine's day so I wanted to do a Valentines-ish related post on me blog as my posts may be more birthday related.  In good ol' google I found this Valentine's Day Tag on Geeky Fashionista. Although I have not been tagged by

Monday Mani : Nail Design Guide Special

Monday Mani : Nail Design Guide Special

February 09, 2015
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Monday Mani : Nail Design Guide Special Image
Hello lovelies. I am so happy that my first Monday Mani of 2015 is a special edition and my first collaboration post with my lovely friend Sarah. We have known each other from school #teamhornseygirls and she has always had super long, healthy and painted nails. So I asked her to grace my blog with a special nail

Wellcome Collection : Photo Diary

Wellcome Collection : Photo Diary

February 05, 2015
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Wellcome Collection : Photo Diary  Image
Hey guys, I am back today with a little something different for me, but I'm quite happy with how the post turned out. As you all know I love to talk....(well type in this instance) however for my photo diary posts, I will be keeping the words to a minimum and letting the pictures do the talking ;).