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It's Our Anniversary

Although we may not be married (yet). 
Today marks a special day for Mal & I and I just wanted to wish my bubba a 
Happy Anniversary. 
The journey has not been completely smooth sailing [what is in life], but it is so worth it. 
I love this man .... my baby daddy ..... my Prince of Arabia. 
Thank you for putting up with me :) my non-stop girly talks about contouring and nail polish decisions, my moaning, my randomness, my snoring.
I know it's not always easy, but I love you for sticking with me and working on it all with me. 
For being there for us all and never complaining.
Thank you for always putting so much humour in my days, and always making me smile. 
You are an amazing daddy,
an amazing partner
such an amazing person.
I'm so happy to be yours. 
Stepping forward for our future in love, with positivity and focus.
Here's to many many more. 

And what better song for today than.....

P.S you get 10+ points if you remember where the picture was taken. 
P.P.S we need to take some nice pictures together no more selfie fails lol. 
Love you Stinky

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