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2nd Birthday & #Caimas Recap

Hey guys,

I just wanted to share with you all how we celebrated bubba's 2nd birthday.

I am that naughty parent who forever forgets to take pictures! Once I get all engrossed in what's going on my phone is usually left somewhere, where I am not, nor remember its whereabouts, or even that I have a phone.

My son was born on Christmas day so for this year we went to celebrate with family - Aunties, Uncles, Cousins etc in Essex which was lovely.

A few days before his birthday Cai came down with his first ever fever when we were heading off to see Mal's sister who lives 2 hours drive away :(.
I felt so terrible for him but he was such a little treasure and played and ran away from their dog with all the energy he could muster. We kept him dosed up on Calpol and Ibuprofen as that was all that held his temperature down.

The next 2 days were full of cuddles, water, worries of constipation, last minute decorating and much rest.

On his birthday morning, he had breakfast as usual and opened some presents. Well I say he opened them but it was really me, he was not into it at all. As Cai often rips paper, pages out of his books etc we are constantly telling him to not rip things, "Cai nooo", "...don't rip that bubba it's your book" "....oh Cai what happened to number 7 pirate where has he gone" etc. So when opening his presents he would try to piece the ripped wrapping paper back together lol. He is so cute I tell ya.

He truly got so spoilt and I am so thankful for everyone for all the pressies. We love and will use them all.
We then went to my auntie's house and all was going well as Cai fell asleep in the car. However he woke up as we began to take him out and that was it. The crying didn't stop for another full on 20 minutes. There we were locked up in my auntie's guest room, Cai not settling for love nor money. Mummy getting frustrated and worried all at once. He was a very unhappy bubba and finally after the Calpol settled in, he had a right old sleep for nearly 2 hours and woke up right as rain.
& I had one or 4 glasses of some form of concuction and was right as rain after that too lol.
I then remembered I forgot his birthday cake, but on second thoughts was probably all for the better, as I'm not sure he would have been too happy with everyone looking and singing at him. He's pretty shy.

We had Christmas dinner there, Poumy aka Zoe aka Cai's Nouna came round and he opened a few more presents.
Was a lovely chilled, family love day. Cai really does like no fuss or too much attention on him, so he was happy to run around with older cousins and eat some key lime pie.

We had Christmas dinner and drinks there. Poumy aka Zoe aka Cai's Nouna came round with this too >>>>>>
and he opened a few more presents.

Was a lovely chilled, family love day. Cai really does like no fuss or too much attention on him, so he was happy to run around with older cousins and eat some key lime pie.

A few days after his birthday, we had invited 4 of Cai's friends round to come and play. Three of them came and had a wicked time running around, playing with all the toys, eating all the popcorn and wotsits as you do. Just being so boisterious as boys are.
Poumy also made her mums famous coconut cake and it was delicious. Thank you Poumty.
Us mummies had tea, and a few Southern Comfort and Wray & Nephew mixes while we had a great catch up.

I know he had a lovely time as he was shattered and oh so ready for bed. Bless him.

No points for me as I took no pictures of :
Christmas at the family's
Cai & his friends playing
His birthday cake
Any pictures of me and my little man
I will make it my mission on his next birthday to photograph the day away.

I did however manage to take a few pictures of the party goodie bags we gave out. Originally I had wanted to base his party loosely on a Western theme as he loves Sherriff Callie & friends. However as it does, life gets in the way and you forget to order things and before you know it, it's Christmas Eve.
Which is a shadow of myself pre baby I was super organised. Alas. Lol.

I had also made a little Happy Birthday video to Cai, so if you haven't seen it, please do click on either links below :).

Although it may have been a few weeks back, I hope you all had a lovely Christmas.

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