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2014 Favourites : Toddler

2014 Favourites Toddler Edition

Here we are, well into the first weeks of a new year. 2015 to be exact. 
I wanted to share with you some of the things we - Mummy, Daddy and Bubba were loving in 2014.

For this post I will be showing you :
Cairo's 2014 favourites

Cairo entered 2014 as a 1 year old so along with that came a change in toys as his imagination and concentration span grew. The following items are all items we know Cai loves and some of them we carry with us when venturing out. These are items that get used every single day. 

Please Baby Please Book - Mellies Corner
Please Baby Please Book - Mellies Corner

Spot Loves Story Collection - Mellies Corner
Spot Loves Story Collection - Mellies Corner

Please Baby Please  //  Spot Loves Story Collection

Please Baby Please by Spike Lee & Tonya Lee Lewis
As soon as Cai saw this book he loved it, this is his first book featuring black characters in the story. This book reminds me so much of my son and the things he gets up to in the days. It also has a lovely rhyming bounce throughout which Cai loves and he himself will quote the book ending. The illustrations are soooo gorgeous - look how mischievous she looks on the front cover - Cairo to a T. 

Spot Loves - Story Collection by Eric Hill
This is a collection of 5 little stories of Spot with his Mum, Dad, Grandma, Grandad and Friends. Lovely light reading, which we usually save before bed or nap time. Classic Spot illustrations are used within this book also. 

Where The Wild Things Are - Mellies Corner
Where The Wild Things Are - Mellies Corner

Ten Little Pirates - Mellies Corner
Ten Little Pirates - Mellies Corner

Where the Wild Things Are  //  Ten Little Pirates

Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak 
Classic book, classic story that to this day is enjoyed by many children of all ages, and rightly so. A book Mal & I read when we were kids that we wanted to add to Cai's collection. 

Ten Little Pirates by Mike Brownlow & Simon Rickerty
Oh boy. This poor book is hanging by a thread, much like Please Baby Please. Ten Little Pirates is read at least 5 times a day in this house. Cai enjoys the number element and also the rhyming throughout the book. With cute drawings and an action packed storyline, this is a firm favourite for little ones. 

Mega Bloks - Mellies Corner

Puzzle Cubes - Mellies Corner

Mega Bloks  //  Puzzle Cubes

Come along it's fun & magic time to build with Mega Bloks doo di doo doo doo :).
Mega Bloks - First Builders are favourite of Cai and his little friends. Cai enjoys building towers in colour coordination and bashing them down as you do. They are the perfect size for little hands and can be stored really easily also. We also keep a small bag in the car, especially if travelling on long journeys before he sleeps Cai will build a thing or two. 

Puzzle Cubes, these were a gift so I am not sure where they are from but Cai loves them. Cai loves stacking them to make a tower, lining them up on their side colour coordinated again and in a perfect straight line. So cute as the face of concentration is so real. Each cube has 6 different sides with pictures on them. The cubes also come with a tray to keep and make multiple puzzle pictures in. 

Number Jigsaw - Mellies Corner

Mickey Mouse Ride On - Mellies Corner

Number Jigsaw  //  Mickey Mouse Fire Engine Ride On 

Mal bought Cai this jigsaw set and Cai now loves all things puzzles, jigsaws etc. He is always trying to fit things together. Strangely, Cai will put the correct pieces together 2 at a time. At first I thought Mal had done it for him but it is all Cairo. Great for helping to teach numbers as they are so clear. The only downside with these is as they are made of that cardboard type material, (wonderful description Mel) they are quite thin and not as sturdy as block jigsaws, so at times Cai struggles to keep more than 2 puzzle squares together. These travel with us everywhere, however we have lost 3/4 of them I don't know where he hides them, so I bought him another pack for his birthday so let the puzzle mania commence. 

Mickey Mouse ride on. I think this may be Cai's favourite toy. He uses it every day and has found so many different uses for it. 
A stool, a chair, transportation from room to room, a sword, a hiding place for his number jigsaw, his bus, he also rides this with two other toys in hand. Not just a ride on people. 
It is super lightweight so we always carry this when visiting family and friends, it plays the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse theme song as well as additional fire engine suitable noises. 
His Nouna Zoe bought him an upgrade this year in the shape of a motorcycle so I'm sure we will be adding that into our 2015 faves :). 

There you have it Cai's 2014 favourites. As you can tell from the wear and tear of some of the above items, these toys & books have truly received the Cai sign of approval.
I focused mostly on toys and books for this post as these are the things I am sure he would (if he could) pick to put in this post.
We have a few other 2014 favourites toddler related bits and bobs that fall under the 'parent' category so do keep your eyes on ze blog as that post will be coming atcha soon.

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