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2014 Favourites : Parent Edition

2014 Favourites : Parent Edition - Mellies Corner

Hello lovelies.
Hoping you are all well.

For today's post I will be showing you the things Mal & I were loving throughout 2014.

Now, for Mal's aka Daddy's 2014 favourites really this is all there is :

Fifa 15

Fifa bloody 15 :) 
Although I cannot be too mad at this game as (thankfully, in some forms) we do not currently have a PS4 which means he cannot play it at home. Mal and his mates usually once a week have a Fifa tournie as they call it. Which usually results in me wishing and hoping he wins so he is a happy bunny when he comes home. Cai joins them sometimes too for a bit of *boys time* as they do. 
Mal is actually pretty good and usually woops their ass'. Sorry James & Reece. 

So that was short & sweet....moving swiftly on to my, aka Mummy's 2014 faves.
I have split me bits into categories otherwise we would be here guys know I love to talk. 
On some, Mal has given his 2014 favourite for the category too. 

Beauty : 

2014 Favourites : Beauty - Mellies Corner

Revlon Colorstay Foundation  //  Lolita Lempicka Perfume  //  Wilko Make-up Brushes  //  
Sleek Blusher in Pomegranate 

Music : 

2014 Favourites : Music - Mellies Corner

D'Angelo - Black Messiah  //  Prince - Art Official Age  //  Partynextdoor - Two  //  
Paolo Nutini - Caustic Love  //  Trey Songz - Trigga   
Mal's Choice : Krept & Konan - Young Kingz

TV : 

2014 Favourites : TV - Mellies Corner

Scandal  //  Life Story  //  Game of Thrones

Hello my name is Mel and I am a scandalholic. 
Scandal is my choice and I mean....where do I start? If you haven't watched this show, please please do! It is amazing. So well written, the acting, the story lines, ALL THE TWISTS! I literally have my mouth open in shock at least twice in one episode. 

Mal & I loved BBC1's Life Story series this year which taught us loads about animals around the world. I fell in love with Pika's and nearly threw up at the dancing disgusting spider ewww. I can't even attach a link, I apologise, but in Youtube I'm sure with the words : Life Story, Spider dance, you should be able to find something. 

Mal & I also love Game of Thrones....who doesn't and we cannot wait to see the new series coming soon woop woop. 

Cool Down Zone : 

2014 Favourites : Cool Down Zone - Mellies Corner

Yankee Cranberry Zest Candle  //  Grand Theft Auto V  //  Glamour Magazine Subscription  //  
iPad Mini

Yankee Cranberry Zest candle smells unreal. It is so sweet & zesty as the name suggests. Without having to burn it for long to get the gorgeous aroma wafting through your house, it lasts for ages! I will definitely be repurchasing another jar.

Grand Theft Auto V is my gaming love. This game brings such a smile to face along with such nostalgic memories as I used to play San Andreas all theeeee time (although I could never pass the mission with the small aeroplane that has to shoot things down - Mal thankfully 5 years later completed it for me). Both Mal & I enjoy playing GTA V online and usually go through spells of playing it often to forgetting we have the game and it collecting dust. 

The Glamour subscription is definitely one for me. Sometimes, I just want to read a magazine, nothing with too many stories like Now! or the slightly trashier ones. In honesty at the time when I bought it, my pocket didn't want to stretch to Vogue prices so Glamour won that race. I have about 5 to go through and they do fill the magazine page flicking, image appreciating and word scanning void that I had in my life. 

Mal bought me the iPad Mini last year and I still thank him for it to this day. It is just so handy and takes up no space whatsoever. As our computer is in the bedroom where bubba sleeps, once he is down for the night you cannot do anything on there as he wakes up if you breathe -____- slight exaggeration but you get what I mean. This iPad has saved my trash tv, asos addiction, researching, blogging etc needs. Thank you bubba :)

Practicalities : 

2014 Favourites : Practical Parent Faves - Mellies Corner

Adidas Sandals Infant  //  Dettol Kitchen Spray  //  Bria Organics R,R&R Balm  //  
Kirkland Wipes  //  Adidas Originals Infant  //  Ikea Aprons  //  Tesco Sweet & Salted Popcorn

I know ... how parenty is the Dettol spray but it is just so good! I love that I can use this without having to use a wet cloth or sponge (even though I do sometimes but the choice is nice). It gets off all scum, hard food stuck on the table and Cai's high chair, kills 99.9% of bacteria and cleans all our counters and cupboards so well. I loves it. 

These Adidas Sandals have featured on my blog here and I hope if they can no longer fit him next year, that I can buy them again. My favourite infant sandal ... and how cute are they!

Bria Organics Relief, Repair & Replenish Balm - Our wonder cream, which we use every single day on Bubba's face for his eczema. Please do have a read of my full review here

We have currently been using the Kirkland baby wipes which we buy at good ol' Costco and I really like them. They are larger than most wipes out there, unscented and really soft & smooth. You can buy a box of 9 wipes, which each contain 100 or so wipes. 

Cai currently has Nike Roshe Runs which we love and these Adidas Originals. I just had to add them to our parent faves. Cai used to wear high top Converse's and Nike Jordan's which were super cute BUT the biggest pain to put on EVER! Literally, you would break into a small sweat and give yourself time allowances as you know you would be there struggling away for ages.
His Roshes and these Adidas Orginials are a doddle to put on, they clean easily and bubba seems to love his 'shoes'. Can you tell we like black footwear and we've just bought him a black & white pair of Puma's lol. They go with everything is our reasoning. 

When bubba started feeding himself we realised we could no longer use those plasticy or flexible bibs anymore, he needed full top half protection, so bought the Ikea Aprons and have not looked back since. They come in a pack of 2 with one red and one blue and are just the clothes savers of all time! Easy to clean, easy to put on, can even be used for painting activities etc these are a firm favourite. 

Although bubs does like Organix snacks, and he still loves crackers, we tried him with Popcorn last year and he loves it. These are his favourites from Tesco and in my area they are so hard to get hold off as they sell out so quickly. Thank you mum for always finding them and using your mummy skills to buy a whole box of them too lol. 

There you have it, our 2014 favourites. Was a wonderful year and I'm looking forward to looking back to see what we are still loving.

I have also compiled a 2014 Favourites : Monday Mani Edition
2014 Favourites : Toddler Edition
so do check them out too.

What are some of your favourite Practical Parent Favourites? 

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