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Monday Mani : Waikiki Time

Monday Mani : Waikiki Time

October 27, 2014
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In one of my earlier Monday Mani posts, I stated I was lusting after the Models Own nail paint in Flip Flop. I have been in search of it in the shops and didn't see it until recently.  Howeverrrr, browsing the Barry M section as you do and I spotted this lovely shade which is so not something

What We Loved This Summer 2014 : 10 Things

What We Loved This Summer 2014 : 10 Things

October 23, 2014
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We all truly enjoyed this summer.  We wanted to create some new memories, spend time with each other, friends & family, visit our old favourite places and experiment with new things as our boy is growing.  Here is a small round up of the things (as a family) we were loving this Summer 2014.  1.  Ice Cubes &

Monday Mani : Raindrops keep falling . . . .

Monday Mani : Raindrops keep falling . . . .

October 20, 2014
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In keeping with my love of blue, I have tried another blue nail shade and.... dun dun dunnn it is not Barry M nail polish woop woop lol.  For this look I have used NYC In a New York Colour Minute nail polish in the shade Raindrop.  For the dot details I used my trusty Primark P.S Love white

Autumn/Winter Loves #1

Autumn/Winter Loves #1

October 19, 2014
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Autumn/Winter Loves #1 Image
I love Autumn/Winter. It is my favourite time of year. Everything seems to slow down a little and the atmosphere, is so much more relaxed.  Colours get deeper and richer, and layering can begin again.  The only thing I would swap, is brighter skies for the rain in the days. All because I miss wearing my sandals. I

What We Loved This Summer 2014 : South Bank

What We Loved This Summer 2014 : South Bank

October 16, 2014
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What We Loved This Summer 2014 : South Bank Image
We were lovin' summer this year. Especially on the days that were not so overly hot.  You guys know how I feel about hot weather in the UK :). I had wanted to explore and discover London with my boys as we may live, breathe and work in London, but we don't really see London and all it's

Monday Mani : Blue Grape?

Monday Mani : Blue Grape?

October 13, 2014
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This week we have a Autumn/Winter inspired mani.  I love Autumn/Winter and I love blue, so this was a match made in the A/W nail heavens.  For this look I have used Barry M Gelly nail polish in Blue Grape.  Now I really did try to capture this nail polish in all it's glory, but for some reason

Mini Haul : Stationery Edit

Mini Haul : Stationery Edit

October 09, 2014
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Mini Haul : Stationery Edit Image
I am currently studying again and due to the change in my life, that meant that all new equipment needed to be acquired. Any excuse for shopping :). I have posted my (mini series) Back to School wish lists here on my blog. If you haven't seen them, here are the links, take a look : 1. Stationery 2. Uniform

Monday Mani : Berry Ice Cream

Monday Mani : Berry Ice Cream

October 06, 2014
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I am quite late on some of the more classic Barry M shades. However, I now have a definite favourite purpleish nail colour. I'm always quite cautious about purple shades on my nails, I am not sure why as I loved this colour during my pregnancy. So I thought why not try it again and luckily I loves

Mothers Meeting with Mamas & Papas : Armadillo City Launch

Mothers Meeting with Mamas & Papas : Armadillo City Launch

October 05, 2014
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#ArmadilloCity At the beginning of September I attended a special Mothers Meeting with Mamas & Papas to launch their new stroller - The Armadillo City.  The event was held at the wonderful Ace Hotel Shoreditch, where us mummies took over the 7th floor. We had beautiful views of the city and even a man, getting put through his