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Welcome Back

Hello you lovely lot.

I'm baaaack. I feel like I haven't blogged in ages.
I caught the flu and was unable to get this brain of mine to focus on anything really. 
I am finally back to feeling human, and all will be back to normal on Mellies Corner.

We are also right at the start of a new month, September which means daddy will be going back to work. It has been so lovely having him with us during the summer holidays. He provided me with so much help and it made my heart fuzzy to watch the boys doing boys things.
Sword fighting, play fighting, fighting, monsters etc, the general male things. 
Sometimes I feel bad when Mal is off as I worry that I am relying on him too much; as there is someone else in the house that can help me with the day to day things around the house and with Cai. However the help and just generally being able to slow down a little has been lovely.
Thank you Mal and hope we didn't work you too hard :).

While I was under the weather I had a lot of time to think about changes to our 'normal' routine as the seasons change. Eventually (or sooner than we think) the weather will not be as nice, so that starts to limit some of the outdoor activities I like to do with Cai. I am currently brainstorming entertaining and fun things to do with my little man out and indoors. 
But for now, as always we are loving the park.

Autumn/Winter are my favourite seasons minus the snow. I really don't like the snow. Like really really really don't like snow. *Snow Grinch*
So expect there to be many a wishlist here on Mellies Corner too.

What are your favourite activities to do with your little one?

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