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Eczema : What We Use

Hi guys, 

For my last post during National Eczema Week 13th September - 21st September 2014, I thought I would do a small post featuring our current eczema products that we use for Cai. 
A lot of products are down to trial and error and these are the products that are currently working for Cai.  

Face : 

Cai's eczema is most prominent and bothersome on his face and neck area. 
We use a mix of Diprobase and Bria Organics Relief, Repair & Replenish balm to cream his face and neck 5-6 times a day. We tend to cream his face with every nappy change. 
Diprobase was prescribed to us from our Doctor and works fantastically well with the Bria Organics Relief, Repair and Replenish balm. I have done a full review on the balm here so please do have a read for detailed information on the product. These two together have changed my sons face incredibly. 
We also use the Relief, Repair & Replenish balm for any places we may see Cai itching as it relieves him of any discomfort. 

Body : 

To cream Cai's body we use trusty old Vaseline
This just seems to keep Cai's skin moisturised and since using it we have seen a great decrease in any small rash like spots/places on his body. 

      Bath :

Bath time is usually Daddy and son time. Throughout the past year we have changed Cai's bath products quite a bit. 
Oilatum Junior Bath Additive suitable for babies and children. This product creates a misty, light greyish solution, which may leave the bath quite cloudy. It has no fragrance and helps to rehydrate and protect the skin. 

Simple Baby All-In-One Wash has no perfumes and no colours in their ingredients. The all in one wash does smell really yummy, but I am quite cautious of using any sweet smelling products on Cai's skin, as that can sometimes encourage his eczema to flare up. When using this product we only use a very small amount. So far, so good, we have had no side effects from using this. 

Oils : 

Mal is a big fan of using bath oils in Cai's nighttime bath as oils can help to lock in moisture. We use a range of oils, from Almond, Olive or Coconut oil to a small amount of baby oil if we have run out of natural oils. 

We keep Cai's nails short and cut them regularly to avoid any real damage if those little hands do itch somewhere. 
We also keep an eye on his foods as this can also affect his eczema. We used to avoid yogurt, cheese and bananas but are now able to give him these things in small quantities.

I think the main key and something we have learnt along the way, is that his skin will let us know what does and does not agree with it. What works for one does not always work for another, so it is good to trail different products. 
Once we have found something that works we tend to use, use, use and use. 

What eczema products (if any) do you use or recommend? 

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