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Mum To Be Freebies

Following my previous posts last month focused around my pregnancy, I had a couple posts in the making. I caught the flu and was not able to finish, proof read and post them up. I have finally been able to refocus on my blog posts and wanted to share a final (for now) pregnancy post.

While pregnant I worked within an office, behind a desk 9 - 5 and I used to fill my breaks up with internet trawling for all things mummy & baby. I read and watched many reviews and knew all the items I wanted in no time. 
Of the many wonders I found along the way, were all the amazing companies that offer mums to be freebies, exclusive offers and helpful information and I mean, who doesn't love a freebie.

I have created my personal top 7 companies many of which I am still signed up with, that I feel offer parents and mums to be the best advice, vouchers and freebies.

7. Cow and Gate Baby Club offer:

- Free pregnancy advice
- A Pregnancy diary
- A cuddly cow

6. Tesco Baby & Toddler Club offer:

- Helpful advice
- Coupons
- Deals for all things mummy & baby 
 - Tesco Parent & Child parking sticker which you can use until your child is 3 years old.
I have now lost mine :( but this was so helpful when there was an available space (which we all know is a task in it's own) in the Parent & Child parking bays.

5. My Mothercare offer:

- £100 money off vouchers on various products
- Helpful advice
- Previews of the sales and offers throughout the year
Mothercare also held a special morning at one of their stores, where a group of us mums to be were able to get in depth information, regarding the different baby necessities we would need. We also left there with vouchers and samples of different products. 
When pregnant Mothercare was where I done the majority of my baby prep, so I found their offers extremely useful as I love a bargain. 

4. Asda Baby & Toddler Club offer:

- Asda baby event previews
- Vouchers / Coupons off certain baby products
- Latest deals and offers in store and online which may suit you and your family
- Regular emails with offers
 I found these very helpful as Asda is my go to shop. 

3. Boots Parenting Club

Boots Parenting Club is another great company with many benefits for parents and mums to be including:
- Boots Advantage Card benefits
- Vouchers
- Magazines
- A free changing bag (which we still use till this day). I completed a small review on the Boots Parenting Club Bag on my previous blog which can be read here.

2. Emma's Diary

- Expert advice on all things pregnancy and baby
- Offers and competitions from their partner companies
Emma's Diary offers mums to be 3 great packs throughout their pregnancy. Mum To Be, Bump to Baby and My Family. Each pack contains samples, helpful guides and advice for stages of pregnancy and motherhood. You can get these packs from Argos or Boots with a printed voucher.

1. Bounty

Last but not least the warriors of mum to be companies - Bounty. 
Bounty are amazing, they offer 4 packs during your pregnancy and newborn stages. Their packs contain freebies and free samples including towels, detergents, household products, baby bath wash [to name a few], from a range of companies. They also give very helpful advice, vouchers and offers on differing products.
For me personally Bounty came out on top every time. Not just for their freebies and samples, but I actually read through and found the majority of leaflets and guides they had in their packs so helpful. I also found the presentation of the Bounty packs to be the best I had seen. 

I hope you have found some of the above information helpful.

Many of the companies that offer advice or freebies to mums to be also have great websites, or app's which can give you access to more information and other mums to be in the shape of forums.
I think it is a great thing that there are so many companies that offer pregnant ladies such great advice, vouchers and samples. They can also help to prepare you that bit more for the upcoming arrival of your little baby. 
 I found it super helpful to have access to different products you may not have considered, that can prove to be just right for you and your family too. 
So do check around the internet, with friends or other mummies for different companies that may suit you and your growing family as there are many out there. 

What are your favourite mum to be companies to sign up to? 

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  1. I have joined a few of this but also Hipp baby club and Aptamil - you get a free cuddly polar bear.

    1. I think the cuddly toys are so cute - I missed out on the polar bear :) x
