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Back To Life, Back To The Study Room

Hey guys,
A little life update for you all. 

I am going back to school.
Well I think it sounds a little more age appropriate to say 'back to studying'?

At 26 years of age with a little one under my wing, I will be studying 3 different courses that will take me through to next year.  

I attended three different colleges, studying a range of subjects and found it quite difficult in college, to find a subject that I loved and wanted to pursue further. 
I did study while working in my previous job, while I was pregnant too and managed to come out the other end with 3 qualifications; so I have restored some faith back in myself regarding studying. 
I am hoping for the best and would like to thank this blogging world for helping my brain to work again - putting words together, grammar, spelling you name it.

I am a mix of excitement, anxiousness and nerves about studying again as I want to do well. I just have to keep my head down, keep focused and something which I learnt a little later on in life, always ask for help if needed. I will also miss spending time with my little man, however I am able to go back to study in the evenings, thankfully.
I'm sure Cai and Mal will revel in having even more boy time, to play fight and chase each other around the house lol.

I will still be blogging every Monday, Thursday and Sunday, hopefully with some updates here and there as to how I am getting on. 

However, we all know that usually change and shopping go hand in hand, so (hangs head) I have a few wish lists and possible haul posts coming for you guys, all back to study appropriate, keep your eyes peeled.

What was your favourite subject when studying? 

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