My little corner of the web. How I miss thee. I do apologise for the lack of posts. But, who was prepared for the juggling of exams, with blogging and all else that comes with life? NOT ME! Exams are a bitch and my name is now Mummy Revision. As things slow down and I begin to regain
Archive for
June 2015
Monday Mani : Barry M Speedy - Turbo Charged
Monday Mani : Barry M Speedy - Turbo Charged
I was so not on the hunt for yet another nail polish last week, but as you do when you pop into Superdrug, this little gorgeousness called my name. This is one of the newer shades of the Barry M Speedy nail paints. Before I knew it we were well on our way home with points added to
Hey guys, My blog Mellies Corner is now 1 :). It has been a year since I have started blogging on Mellies Corner and I'm so happy to still be here enjoying the process a year later. I want to say the biggest thank you to everyone wherever you are who reads / has read my blog, left
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Monday Mani : Grass
Monday Mani : Grass
Hello all, Can you believe we are 6 months into the year already! What is happening to time? This is a special week over here as it has been a year since I have started blogging on Mellies Corner. I thought I would try to do some 'special' nails in celebration of this benchmark and this is the
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